Daily Devotional

BOAZ, THE HELPER FROM BETHLEHEM   (Grace shall locate you!)
BOAZ, THE HELPER FROM BETHLEHEM (Grace shall locate you!)

Ruth had taken a decision to forsake the gods of Moab and chose to enter into a new covenant with the LORD. She sojourned out of Moab with Naomi, her mother-in-law to Bethlehem not knowing what this new God had in store for her. Little did she know that Grace was about to locate her through Boaz, a typology of Christ Jesus.

Monday, 27 March 2023
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HE IS NOT HERE(Remember His promises)
HE IS NOT HERE(Remember His promises)

Some of us find ourselves in situations where God has given us a sure word and promises that something good is about to happen in our lives, sometimes we even see signs of it, yet we walk in disbelief or doubts because it has not yet come into full manifestation. We start doubting that God can actually do it.

Wednesday, 22 March 2023
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HE IS NOT HERE (You shall overcome the setback)
HE IS NOT HERE (You shall overcome the setback)

Their intention was to prevent the miracle of His resurrection from happening. That was why they put a physical barrier. Little did they know that He was a man of the spirit, and their physical block could not prevent His resurrection.

Tuesday, 21 March 2023
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HE IS NOT HERE (You will rise)
HE IS NOT HERE (You will rise)

Jesus spoke about His resurrection even before He was crucified. For something to happen in your life, you should have declared it already. It is necessary you speak good things about your life every day.

Monday, 20 March 2023
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THE FINGER OF GOD  (Cancel the Death Sentence)
THE FINGER OF GOD (Cancel the Death Sentence)

I declare, may the finger of God, cancel every death sentence against me and my family. We shall live and not die in Jesus’ name. Amen. Stay Blessed.

Thursday, 16 March 2023
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THE FINGER OF GOD  (Cancel the negative law)
THE FINGER OF GOD (Cancel the negative law)

Jesus, writing with His finger, caused a shift. We can see in the scripture above that the laws of Moses were written by the very finger of God. How then was it that, after Jesus wrote with His finger for this woman's sake, judgement according to the law was not executed?

Wednesday, 15 March 2023
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NO ONE WILL STEAL MY SONG  (The Mockery of Babylon)
NO ONE WILL STEAL MY SONG (The Mockery of Babylon)

In your moment of pain, depression, fear, poverty and mockery, it’s becomes difficult to praise God. Yet in such instances, your praise will usher you into your victory.

Friday, 3 March 2023
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NO ONE WILL STEAL MY SONG (The Memories of Zion)
NO ONE WILL STEAL MY SONG (The Memories of Zion)

When you leave your Zion and enter Babylon, all you are left with are memories. The joy, peace and blessings of Zion become a memory, something you can only think and replay in your mind but cannot actualize. The Zion you have been called to possess becomes only a figment of your imagination.

Thursday, 2 March 2023
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All is not lost. There is still a way for you to return to Zion. God is always waiting for you with open arms. Humble yourself now and return to the place of your spiritual covering. God will save you!

Wednesday, 1 March 2023
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Babylon is the symbol of satanic control and captivity. It was in Babylon that Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego were captured. Currently, Babylon is the symbol of carnality, social media negativity, anti-Christ and basically anything that wants to swallow us in the land of our birth, and anything that is against the glory of God is from Babylon.

Tuesday, 28 February 2023
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