“By the rivers of Babylon, There we sat down, yea, we wept when we remembered Zion. We hung our harps...”
Psalms 137:1-2 NKJV
The Jewish people upon their capture, had carried their musical instruments to Babylon and hang them on the willows, in the hopes of singing songs about Zion.
Instead of singing and rejoicing as they did in Zion, they sat and wept whenever they remembered Zion. Their captors even encouraged them to sing their songs but they couldn’t (Psalm 137:3).
When you leave your Zion and enter Babylon, all you are left with are memories. The joy, peace and blessings of Zion become a memory, something you can only think and replay in your mind but cannot actualize. The Zion you have been called to possess becomes only a figment of your imagination.
But that is not God's plan for you. God does not want you to be unable to sing His songs. He does not want His promises and blessings to remain thoughts or memories only, He wants you to walk in them.
Outside of God's presence, in Babylon, every good thing becomes only a memory and never a reality. You need to be steadfast and deeply rooted in the Lord’s presence, so that you are not easily uprooted and found in Babylon instead of Zion.
Your Zion shall not only be a memory but a reality! May you be deeply rooted in Zion and may your song be sustained in Jesus’ Name. #Amen