“But the story sounded like nonsense to the men, so they didn’t believe it.”
Luke 24:11 NLT
The scripture says after Jesus was buried some women went back to His tomb to apply some spices on His body; for preservation. Upon getting there they found out that He had resurrected. They remembered how Jesus had spoken of His resurrection ahead of His death. So they rushed back to inform everyone.
But from the scripture we see that when the people heard this, they doubted the miracle had happened.
Some of us find ourselves in situations where God has given us a sure word and promises that something good is about to happen in our lives, sometimes we even see signs of it, yet we walk in disbelief or doubts because it has not yet come into full manifestation. We start doubting that God can actually do it.
May I suggest to you that the ways of the Lord are not like that of men? Just stand still and know that you will soon see a full manifestation of God’s promises to you.
Thank you my heavenly father for your promises concerning my life. I declare I’ll walk in the manifestation of these promises in Jesus’ name.