“He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Remember what he told you back in Galilee,”
Luke 24:6 NLT
Jesus spoke about His resurrection even before He was crucified. For something to happen in your life, you should have declared it already. It is necessary you speak good things about your life every day.
The women were greeted with good news when they visited the tomb of Jesus to anoint His body. They had forgotten that He said He would rise again after three days. Jesus was not in the tomb because he had already risen; He wasn’t there because He was not supposed to remain there.
Are you stagnant in any part of your life? Know that, like Jesus, where you are now is not your permanent position. You will rise from that position.
Today I pray that the Lord will continue to increase you. Any evil location you have been forced into, I check you out by the power of His resurrection in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Stay blessed