“Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?””
John 8:5 NKJV
The woman from this story was about to be stoned to death because of the law. They asked Jesus what he thought about the situation and He wrote with his finger in the dust in response.
This act immediately stopped the teachers of the law and all who had gathered from stoning her. She was sentenced to death but saved by the finger of God.
The enemy throws many troubles at us which should ultimately lead us to death. The attacks that come our way are to bring us to the point of death in all facets of our lives.
The finger of God has the power to cancel all death sentences and bring us life. If you are going through any life threatening situation or there is evidence of death in any part of your life, command the finger of God to come upon that situation right now.
Death is not your portion. Christ died that you may have life. Let the finger of God move you out of death and to the position of life just like the woman in John 8. You shall not die in the name of Jesus. The finger of God is at work in your life!
Pray with me:
I declare, may the finger of God, cancel every death sentence against me and my family. We shall live and not die in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Stay Blessed.