In this month, may no situation overpower you. You will succeed in all your endeavors and the Lord will turn that impossible situation into a possibility because He is the extraordinary strategist.
As you continually walk with the Lord and follow His command, He will establish you in all areas of your life. This is your season of the double and the Lord will grant you double blessings in Jesus name, Amen.
Jesus endured the cross, shame and ridicule because He was demonstrating His obedience to the will of God. Your obedience to God's instruction and will is a testament of your sonship.
Everything Jesus did was what He saw the Father do and so He is the perfect example of the Father.
The evidence that we are children of God is seen in our works and character in our daily living. The more you become like God, the more of Him you'll express.
Jesus isn't recognized as the Son of God just by hearsay or folktale but there is biblical proof that points to Jesus being the Son of God.
With Jesus in your life, you receive strength, you are able to navigate situations where you had no power. You know the truth, about what God has said about you, and it sets you free to live and enjoy the life He gives you.
When Jesus is missing from your life, it seems as if there is a dark cloud constantly over your head and even days when you experience happiness, it does not last. But today, I want to introduce you to the one who gives everlasting joy - Jesus. This joy is there regardless of what you are going through because you know He has already made you a victor.
I declare in the name of Jesus that when people come looking for you, begging at the gate, they will find you in the Temple dancing and testifying! May you encounter Christ in this season! Amen.
You are suffering rejection and humiliation simply because GOD is about to move mightily in your life. IN JESUS NAME, may humiliation disappear from your family!