“When they had twisted a crown of thorns, they put it on His head, and a reed in His right hand. And they bowed the knee before Him and mocked Him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!”“ Matthew 27:29
Historically, when a prisoner was crucified, they were often nailed to the cross naked, simply to increase their humiliation.
It is obvious from the verse above that the enemy had a calculated agenda to humiliate JESUS even far beyond the norm. In fact, He had not even been nailed to the cross yet, but His humiliation had began—HE was publicly stripped.
You are suffering rejection and humiliation simply because GOD is about to move mightily in your life. IN JESUS NAME, may humiliation disappear from your family!
Just as Kings and Queens are honoured so shall you be! Whatever is meant for you which is not of GOD, I pray it disappears from your life!
I pray that the grace of GOD preserve you and your household. I pray that any plan of the wicked one and any evil person in your life, be exposed in the mighty name of JESUS.