(Sonship By His Example)
"Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner." John 5:19 NKJV
One of the reasons Jesus came to live amongst us was to be an example of who God wants us to be here on earth.
His life and works are an example for us to replicate here on earth. God through Jesus revealed to us His original intentions for man.
Jesus exercised great authority and power over the forces of darkness and nature such that He could calm storms, multiply a little bread and fish to feed thousands, cast out demons and commanded fish to appear for a great catch by the disciples. As the son of God, He exemplified who God is so that we will emulate Him and become more like God.
Everything Jesus did was what He saw the Father do and so He is the perfect example of the Father.
Father, I pray for the grace to be a good example of you here on earth so that I will point many to you in the name of Jesus. Amen