I decree victory over your life: you will stand firm in the face of evil, emerge triumphant in battles, and remain steadfast in Christ Jesus. May you and your household be protected by the blood of the Lamb and the power of our testimony, in Jesus' name, amen
They are manipulative and filled with evil thoughts. The powers are agents equipped with witchcraft and demonic powers, using them for self-protection or to harm others. Examples include magicians and sorcerers. These agents find joy in spreading evil.
The devil's agents can monitor your entire life, calculating your movements and striking at opportune times with strange sicknesses, broken marriages, academic struggles, financial instability, failures, misfortune, and other battles
Therefore, you cannot direct your anger at a person and say they are the reason for your problems or battles. Although the devil is not omnipresent, he has spiritual and demonic agents everywhere working for him. We will explore the devil's agents further this week. Until then, remember that your battles are neither with flesh nor blood.
To overcome the wiles and devices of the enemy, join us for our June Armageddon prayers, held every Monday to Friday at 5:30pm each night at Ahenfie. Let's come together for spiritual warfare and victorious prayers!
These blessings are not generic but are tailored to meet our specific needs and are fully adequate for us. Understanding that these blessings are intended to empower us to do good works is important. Simply put, these blessings are God's way of meeting our unique needs allowing us to fulfil our specific purposes in a way that brings honour to Him.
At some point in life, we may fall into one of the categories our scripture highlighted. However, you must continue humbly waiting and have faith because He has selected you for a miracle. May the Lord pour out His double blessings upon you and transform your life in Jesus' name. Amen. Stay blessed!
God releases His double portion blessing at a divinely appointed time. It could happen in a moment or over a year, but His timing is always perfect. As the One who sees the end from the beginning, God knows exactly what we need and when we need it.
To receive this blessing, we must desire a deeper relationship with Him and position ourselves strategically. This week, we will explore the double portion blessing and how to access it.
And blessed is your advice and blessed are you, because you have kept me this day from coming to bloodshed and from avenging myself with my own hand.”