Daily Devotionals

STAND STILL AND SEE (Be prudent in your speech)

“And blessed is your advice and blessed are you, because you have kept me this day from coming to bloodshed and from avenging myself with my own hand.”
‭‭I Samuel‬ ‭25‬:‭33‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

David had sent his men to Nabal to remind him of the kindness he had shown to Nabal’s men and to request provisions.
Nabal, in his folly, did not receive his guests well, he responded with insults and refused to assist them.
David was furious by Nabal’s response, and set off with his men on a journey of vengeance.
When Abigail, Nabal’s wife, heard what had happened, she quickly gathered some gifts on donkeys, without the knowledge of her husband and went to meet David before they could get to her house.
Abigail spoke with much wisdom, praising David for his righteousness.
Her wise words turned David’s heart away from murder and vengeance. He accepted her gifts and spared Nabal and his household from destruction.
Nabal was not prudent in his speech and it cost him his life, although his household was spared.
Loose talk can lead to disastrous consequences. Before speaking, we need to consider our words, ensuring they are wholesome and uplifting for the situation we are in. Lest we become the cause of our problems.
I encourage you to be like Abigail, choosing words that being peace and blessings.

I declare that you are delivered from the consequence of any loose talk you have uttered in Jesus name, Amen!
Stay Blessed