Jesus decided to address His twelve disciples and not the fearful followers because fear is a symptom of death. Death will first visit you with the spirit of fear.
Jesus came preaching the good news that “with man certain things are impossible but with God all things are possible", He presented the kingdom of God to men, calling people to be ready to change and to be receptive to it.
Jesus reached out and related to people in ways appropriate to their own need, making them whole. He healed, forgave, humbled, encouraged and caused those who had messed up to put their lives together.
The story of the birth and death of Christ shows us that the eternal God who created all things cares enough for us to act in a costly way for our salvation. God came, as Jesus, to be “God with us”.
It would be better to think of Jesus as going to be with God. God is still at work in our world and in our lives – and so is Jesus.
We have established that the same power that brought Jesus to life dwells in us. However, there is also a resultant effect when this power is at work in our lives. The effect is evidential and tangible.
On arrival at the tomb the women met two angels who reminded them of the very words of Jesus concerning not only His death but His resurrection also.
Jesus, after his death was divinely relocated from the place of death unto life. He was translated to be seated at the right hand side of God in Heaven.
A change in job or a transfer to another branch calls for relocation. Academic pursuit could also make us relocate to a new city or country to advance ourselves intellectually.
In the face of these storms, the LORD by His Spirit comforts and helps believers.