The LORD used four outcast lepers to turn the situation around. He made the sound of their feet sound like a great army and caused confusion in the camp of the Syrians, who fled and left everything behind.
At one point in one's life, you go through your moment of "wilderness", where it feels like you have been rejected and relegated to the back.
Joshua may have been a bit apprehensive about taking over a patriarch's position, but God gave Joshua His word that, as He was with Moses so shall He be with him.
If you intend to be great in life you must be prepared to be called names. Elijah was called a trouble maker because he caused a lot of disruptions in the land of Samaria.
Samson had a good start in life. He was born out of prophecy (chapter 13:3), he had a purpose (chapter 13:5), and he was given power from above (chapter 13:25).
Blessing is not money or riches. It's an anointing that comes with power, authority, and perpetual success. It can also be an aura of favour that follows you everywhere you go.
We all need God’s mercy and grace at every point in our lives. After grace has reconciled us, mercy takes us to the path of forgiveness.
God had a plan for them. He wanted to have a relationship with them and use them to make a statement about His power. God was in the process of honoring His covenant promise when the people forgot about Him.
Sometimes the pressures of life make us feel that God and all of His help is gone, but that is not so. Whenever you feel God is far from you, find Him and overcome pressure.
Pressure is an altar you build in your life. Everything you put above God becomes a god to you and has an altar.