Daily Devotionals

YOUR PRAISE, YOUR VICTORY (Beware of the “Michal” spirit.)

“Now as the ark of the Lord came into the City of David, Michal, Saul’s daughter, looked through a window and saw King David leaping and whirling before the Lord; and she despised him in her heart.” II Samuel 6:16 NKJV

A “Michal” spirit is anything that takes you out of the praise of God. It is the proud, pompous, and arrogant spirit that a person expresses when praise is being lifted to God. It is the feeling that you’re better than someone who is praising God. The spirit causes a feeling of contempt for the work of God.

It could also appear in the jealous person who fails to praise God for doing something in a neighbour’s life. Judas portrayed the “Michal” spirit when Mary Magdelene broke an alabaster flask of expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet. (John 12:3-5)

When you take yourself out of praise:

It proves you are ungrateful for what the Lord has done for you.
It is a big indictment on the grace of God.
You attract a curse from God.

God deserves your praise, even when you feel things are not going well for you. Instead of focusing on your present circumstances and despising Him, praise Him, knowing that your suffering is coming to an end.

When the Lord blesses you, do not become proud but rather praise Him more. I command you, in the name of Jesus, to come and place your praise before the Lord. Let your praise measure up to His blessings in your life, and stop looking down at people’s praise. I pray that every “Michal” spirit in or around you will be consumed in the blood of Jesus. Amen.

Stay blessed