Daily Devotionals

THE POWER OF EXPECTATION (The key to your faith)


"Then Jesus answered and said to her, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire." And her daughter was healed from that very hour." Matthew 15:28 NKJV

The Syro-Phoenician woman's faith was the door through which she entered her miracle. The faith of this woman was so strong that it brought her what she was not qualified for. Her faith forced Jesus Christ to "bend" the rules to grant her request.

As a Gentile she was at a disadvantage, not being a beneficiary of the Abrahamic covenant. She knew her place, thus her plea to eat the crumbs falling from the table. Jesus saw her faith and honoured her.

Refuse to be disadvantaged by the negative perceptions of society, friends and even family members. Nothing or nobody can disqualify you from presenting your needs or yourself before God. Your faith will break protocols. I am inviting you to the Royal Ladies Conference this Thursday through to Sunday. Come before Adonai with your expectations.
Come one, come all.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the opportunity to come before you. Grant me the grace to grow in faith. Take away every burden and grant me peace and joy in Jesus' name.
