Daily Devotionals



Joseph's brothers envied him and were jealous of him, but his father observed the saying and pondered over it.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭37‬:‭11‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

Satanic jealousy is when you hate or dislike someone because of the grace they have over their lives. Satanic jealousy carries evil and wickedness. It carries the spirit of hatred, bloodshed and violence.

In Genesis 37:19, Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him so much so that they intended to kill him. They ended up selling him into slavery and thus, activating God’s purpose over his life. The dreams he had had (of his family bowing down to him), came to pass.

Sometimes people may hate and dislike you for no apparent reason. They suffer from Satanic jealousy. They are either jealous of your blessings or they wish their own terrible situations upon you. Anyone who has set their evil eyes on you, may Jehovah cut them off. God will use them to activate His blessings upon your life in the name of Jesus.
Amen 🙏
