“So he went to Zarephath. As he arrived at the gates of the village, he saw a widow gathering sticks, and he asked her, “Would you please bring me a little water in a cup?”
1 Kings 17:10 NLT
God knows your needs and can provide for them in specific ways. You belong to Him, and He remains intimately connected to your life. In today's Scripture, God performs a miracle in the life of a widow through the prophet Elijah. God used Elijah as her source of provision.
In our own lives, God often works through other people to meet our needs. These sources could be strangers, relatives, pastors, or even enemies. It is essential to identify and appreciate these sources so we do not send them away.
Remain humble and grateful when helped by your source. Pride destroys you, but humility leads to blessings and a deeper connection with God.
Thank God for the people and resources He places in your path. I pray that the Lord will direct you to your source for every season of your life in Jesus' name, amen.
Stay blessed!