Daily Devotionals

THE END OF MY CAPTIVITY (My Season of Laughter)

"Then our mouth was filled with laughter, And our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.”" Psalms 126:2 (NKJV)

When the Jews were carried away into Babylon, their joy was replaced with mourning. They couldn't sing the Lord's song in this foreign land and hung their harps on the willows such that they lived in an atmosphere of sorrow for 70 years.

Babylon is the place where your joy and song is taken away from you. The unpleasant doctor's report, bad academic report, unfruitful business ventures, are examples of things that can take away your joy and peace.

The good news for the Jews was that, though they were held captive in Babylon, after the 70th year, the Lord showed up and turned their mourning into laughter. They who were ridiculed and continually lived in sorrow, now laughed and sang of God's goodness because a new season had dawned on them.

I want you to know that this is the dawn of a new sason: a season of laughter and celebration. The Lord shall bring you out of captivity and put unending joy in your heart that you'll continually sing of His goodness in Jesus’ name.
