“Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors. But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and could not speak peaceably to him.”
Genesis 37:3-4 NKJV
Joseph was Israel’s obvious favourite and as an outward display of such, he gave Joseph a tunic of many colours. This signified a position of favour and princely standing.
The favouritism was a source of conflict in the family. Joseph’s brothers greatly despised him because their father favoured him. In perceiving your greatness, there is persecution. Joseph was persecuted by his brothers simply because of the favour he had. We also see in subsequent chapters that he was persecuted because he refused to sleep with his master’s wife.
In the midst of persecution, the greatest mistake you can make is to give up. Your persecutors’ agenda is to distract you from manifesting your glory.
It doesn’t matter what your adversaries throw at you, they shall not prevail! For whatever valley of the shadow of persecution you walk through, GOD is with you. His rod and staff will comfort you (Psalm 23:4).
I declare strength and power to continue to prevail over every adversary and persecutor in your life! May you come out victorious and see all your dreams manifest, in Jesus’ name. #Amen.
I can see it coming! #RoyalhouseChapel