“Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.”” Genesis 28:16
Jacob recognized and acknowledged the omnipresent nature of GOD. If he had not recognised that the presence of GOD was with him in every place, GOD could never have fulfilled the promise made to Abraham, Isaac and by extension to him, Jacob.
Throughout generations, the LORD continually gives undeniable demonstrations and assurances of HIS presence. Not only will HE be with us, HE has promised to also give us rest (Exodus 33:14).
Like Moses, we must communicate our need for God's presence, especially in times of adversity.
The latter part of the year comes with its own challenges and attacks since the enemy does not want to you and your household to end the year well. Hence, in your going out and coming in, you need to constantly ask the LORD to shower you with HIS presence.
I pray that the presence of GOD will go ahead of you and your household to the end of the year. You shall end the year with grace and laughter in Jesus’ name!
#Amen #RoyalhouseChapel