"Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”
Luke 23:42 NKJV
In this scripture, Jesus was about to be crucified with two armed robbers, one on his left and the other on his right. Most of the witnesses gathered, including these robbers taunted and mocked Jesus. But then, one of the robbers seemed to have had an epiphany and at the very last minute, now asked to be saved and remembered.
This week we shall be discussing the cause of this man's sudden realization and change of mind and how that secured his salvation even at the point of death.
This robber asked Jesus to remember him and we see Jesus assuring him in the next verse (Luke 23:43) that he will surely be remembered. Right after this interaction, Jesus gave up the ghost. So we can say that this happened at the eleventh hour, the very last minute yet that was when this robber received his miracle.
Sometimes, we consider certain situations in life and we conclude that there is no hope, neither will there be any chance to cause a change. That negative situation seems so bad that we conclude that, it is our fate, accept it and live with it.
However, be encouraged! Just like this robber who experienced a divine shift at his dying moment, so can you experience the same. At the point where you conclude that all hope is lost, that is when God will release your breakthrough.
Just stay connected to Jesus, refusing to be swayed by the pressures of life and you shall see the hand of God move mightily in your life.
Father, I pray for the grace not to give up and I ask for a divine shift at my eleventh hour in Jesus name, Amen